Thursday, April 17, 2014

Apollo 13

I enjoyed the film Apollo 13.  I wasn't aware of this story before watching the movie, and I thought that it was made in a way that was very easy to understand and follow what was happening throughout the whole film.  I especially liked how the movie switched back and forth between the space shuttle and the command center on Earth so that you could get both views of the situation. I didn't know that the shuttle wasn't going to make it to the moon before watching this film because I hadn't known the story, so when they had the malfunction on the shuttle I was shocked and horrified.  I also didn't know if they were going to make it back to Earth alive or not.  So I was very engrossed in this story.  It was very interesting to watch this amazing time in history for America.  I would definitely recommend this movie to others.

I think that this is a reasonable budget for NASA.  That may sound absolutely ridiculous because almost 10 billion dollars is absurd to think about.  That kind of money is unfathomable.  But when you think about what it's for, how it's for NASA, and sending astronauts into space and to explore the amazing vast universe that we are such a tiny part of, it seems worth it to me.

I feel that the retirement of the space program was a bad thing for the United States. Going to space and exploring the universe leads to many advances for our country in science and astronomy.  If we are no longer going out and learning more, how are we expected to continue advancing as a country? We can't learn everything there is to know by staying on Earth.  We have the technology to do amazing things, it is a waste not to use it in the most incredible ways that we can.

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