Monday, February 10, 2014


I did not like the movie Tombstone at all.  I thought that it was overall very boring. There was no real plot, it was hard to follow, and by the end of the film I didn't even know the names of all the characters. I never understood the conflict throughout the whole movie, and what they were fighting about.  It did not give me very good insight into the old west.  While it gave me a good visual of the time period, I still do not understand the historical significance of the times and what this movie was trying to portray. I also felt that the ending was disappointing, and not what I was expecting.  The movie had no real effect on me because I couldn't understand the character's stories, therefore I wasn't able to connect with them. The only part of the movie I can say that I genuinely liked was the scene with Wyatt Earp and the woman (see I still don't even know her name) riding their horses through the big open grass field, and then talking about what makes them happy and what makes them laugh.  That was nice to watch.  I did not like any of the characters; I can't say one made a lasting impression on me.  The story also did not leave a lasting impression on me.  I cannot see this story relating to any content in today's society besides that maybe it could be paralleled to the struggle of people who want to immigrate to the United States, or people who want to move in general, and the struggles and dangers that could come along with that.

I believe that an event is legendary when it significantly changes some aspect of someone's life.  If an event has no effect on anyone involved, why would it be remembered? It would simply be lumped into the mass of other memories that a person accumulates in their lifetime.  A legendary event is one that stands out in your head, that you will remember forever, whether for the good or the bad. I believe that legendary events also involved some type of hero, in one way or another.  A person is a legend when they touch, in so many different ways, a number of different people's lives, or do something so great that they are famous, or infamous, for that one thing. I don't believe that either of these apply to any of the characters in the film, although I could see how one might consider Wyatt Earp a legend.  He protected his town and fought for many different people. I do not think that the "Wild West" is for me.  This movie did not appeal to me in any way, and I prefer that Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday and everyone else can just stay, kept away, in the Wild West where they belong without dragging me into it.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am having a difficult time picturing you in the wild west. Nice post!
