Friday, February 21, 2014


I thought that this was a fantastic movie.  I loved every part of it.  I thought that every person in the movie was a terrific actor, especially the man who played Jackie Robinson.  I thought that he really connected to the story of Robinson.  The whole story moved me.  The man who played Robinson was so terrific because he made you connect with him, and feel his emotions.  When he was hurting in the movie, I felt like I was hurting.  When he was in pain, I could feel it too.  When he was sad, I could feel it, and when he was happy, I could feel it, and I found myself smiling.  At the end of the movie, when he won the game with the last home run, I could feel myself smiling and wanting to laugh and cheer for him.  I also loved the relationship between Robinson and his wife.  She was there for him throughout everything that he went through; she was his rock.  She always kept him grounded instead of fighting back to all of the nasty things that people said to him, and she kept him hopeful and inspired about his future. She never doubted him, even when he might have doubted the strength inside himself.  Their relationship was a beautiful part of the story.  As much as the happy parts affected me, the sad and hard to watch parts affected me even more.  The way that Jackie was treated literally sickened me.  In the one game scene against Boston when the coach was saying those horrible things to Jackie, it physically affected me.  I cringed every time he used the n-word, and tears pricked at my eyes for Jackie because he could not fight back.  Overall, this was a beautiful and truly inspiring story, it was amazingly cast and acted, and I loved every minute of it.

I definitely think that Jackie Robinson helped this country.  At a time when racism was still at an all time high, being the first colored person in a national sports team was extremely huge.  People might have been able to deal with black people living and working, but when one entered their precious and beloved sport of baseball, it was all too much.  Robinson wasn't just a black person playing baseball.  His story is much more than that.  After him, many more colored people began playing baseball and other national sports.  Little colored boys and girls used him as an inspiration.  Jackie did more than play baseball: he gave hope for the future and set a precedent for many to follow his bold and admirable actions.  He started creating the pathway for the more, thankfully, equal world that we live in today.

Jackie's nine values are basic values that every person should have at least a few of.  They include the basic values of a moral person.  Any one person trying to live an admirable life can relate to these goals.  Anything in life, whether it be getting a good grade on your next test, getting into the college you want, landing that job you've always coveted: all of these things can be achieved if you set your mind to it, and use values like Jackie's that include determination, commitment, courage, and excellence.

I think that this quote by Jackie Robinson means that all people are meant to impact other people in some way.  Every person is here, doing what they are doing, for a reason.  Even if you can't see it, all of our lives are intertwined in some way.  Without one person, so many people's lives would be completely different.  I completely agree with this saying.  I do believe that every person is meant to impact someone else's life in some way. A life is important because in some way, by doing something, you will affect someone else, and maybe help them realize something important, or make a huge life decision.  All people are here for a reason, and all lives are important to each other.


  1. I agree with you I think Robinson made a huge impact on not only the game of baseball but for every sport and athlete because of the way he dealt with the hardships of racism. I think Jackie is no doubt an American hero

  2. I really agree that this movie was so amazing and well casted. I also liked the character of Robinson's wife and how she was so supportive of him. Even though it was Robinson who was getting the hate mail and harsh words, she was just as hurt by it. I also really agree that Robinson was a huge inspiration to colored children, however, I think he was an inspiration to every single person in this country, even the racist. He fought for his dreams and wasn't able to fight back. Robinson was such an amazing person that every can use as a role model.
